my heart beats fast right now
POSTADES: 2010-03-31 - 18:53:10 | Allmänt | 0 Kommentarer
i'm sitting home and not doing a thing.
been so bored the whole day so i go crazy.
what to do? should go out for a walk with my baby.
but not yet, soon maybe baby ;) she's sleeping now.
go & buy some sweet soon. candies or somethin!
but now i have to go! byebye ;) ♥

i'm sitting home and not doing a thing.
been so bored the whole day so i go crazy.
what to do? should go out for a walk with my baby.
but not yet, soon maybe baby ;) she's sleeping now.
go & buy some sweet soon. candies or somethin!
but now i have to go! byebye ;) ♥