Boys think of girls just as books. If the cover doesn't catch their eye. they won't even bother to read what's inside.
POSTADES: 2011-03-17 - 10:28:13 | Allmänt | 0 Kommentarer
Forget the love that you once knew.
Remember he has someone new.
Forget how you memorized his walk.
Forget the way he used to talk.
Forget the things he used to say.
Remember he has gone away.
Forget the way he hold you tight.
Remember he´s with her tonight.
Forget the time that went so fast.
Forget the love that moved, its past.
Forget he said ha´d leave you never.
Remember he´s gone forever..

Remember he has someone new.
Forget how you memorized his walk.
Forget the way he used to talk.
Forget the things he used to say.
Remember he has gone away.
Forget the way he hold you tight.
Remember he´s with her tonight.
Forget the time that went so fast.
Forget the love that moved, its past.
Forget he said ha´d leave you never.
Remember he´s gone forever..